venerdì 21 dicembre 2012

Il nuovo calendario e i vantaggi offerti alle associate per il 2013

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Gli argomenti di questa newsletter:
- MACSE Italia: Vantaggi offerti alle associate per il 2013
- Calendario formativo gennaio – giugno 2013
Buon Natale
MACSE Italia: Vantaggi offerti alle associate per il 2013
1.Quota associativa
La quota associativa annuale per il 2013 di soli 60 euro. Iscriviti.
2.Costo dei corsi
Il costo è di 60 euro a corso, sia che si tratti di mezza giornata che di giornata intera.
Vai al calendario formativo.
3.Pacchetto offerta quota + formazione
Chi si iscrive entro il 31 gennaio 2013 e paga la quota e due corsi insieme potrà usufruire della seguente offerta: quota 2013 + 2 corsi = 150 euro.
I titoli dei corsi scelti vanni indicati all’atto dell’iscrizione e del pagamento.
4.Offerta a chi è senza lavoro
A chi dimostra di essere senza lavoro e senza alcun tipo di reddito (si intende come reddito qualunque tipo di attività anche non direttamente legata alla professione di Manager Assistant) MACSE Italia offre la possibilità di partecipare a tutte le attività formative (con esclusione degli ApeMACSE, il Congresso annuale ed eventi ludici) pagando una quota forfettaria annuale di 100 euro.
Nel momento in cui l’associata dovesse riprendere ad avere un reddito, sarà tenuta a pagare i corsi che vorrà fare esattamente come tutte le altre iscritte.
Dato che non è possibile controllare la veridicità della mancanza di reddito così come della eventuale ripresa dell’attività lavorativa, richiamiamo le associate al rispetto del Codice Deontologico sottoscritto all’atto dell’iscrizione e pubblicato sul sito.
Qualora un’associata venisse meno a quanto sopra verrà immediatamente espulsa.
5.Offerta a chi entra come nuova associata nel 2013
Chi si iscrive per la prima volta nel 2013 avrà la possibilità di fare un colloquio di orientamento e la revisione del cv gratuitamente.
Scrivere a
6.Offerta a chi porta una collega nuova
Una associata che porta una nuova collega a iscriversi entro marzo 2013 avrà in regalo 2 ApeMACSE.
7.Programma di Mentoring
A tutte le associate viene offerta la possibilità di partecipare al Prgramma di Mentoring.
Per saperne di più sul programma di mentoring.
8.Programma di Knowledge Sharing
Ogni anno vengono organizzati dei gruppi di lavoro che in autonomia si incontrano e lavorano al fine di produrre documenti di best practice su tematiche legate alla professione da mettere a disposizione di tutte le colleghe associate.
Convenzioni e Partnership
MACSE Italia offre alle associate convenzioni e facilitazioni.
MACSE Italia è in partnership con la 24 Ore Business School Academy e con l’università LUSPIO di Roma.
Per informazioni:
MACSE Italia, nell’area riservata mette a disposizione articoli, letture e documenti di best practise per supportare le associate nello svolgimento dell’attività quotidiana.
10.I motivi per cui associarsi
Leggi tutti i vantaggi.
11.La Job Description della MANAGER ASSISTANT
Così dovrebbe essere: leggi la job description.
Calendario formativo gennaio – giugno 2013
23-Gen-2013ApeMACSE – Presentazione delle attività in calendario e inaugurazione della nuova sede
Inaugurazione nuova sedePresso Via Aurispa 7, Milano – dalle 19.30 alle 21.00
Costo: associate 15 euro, ospiti 25 euro
Per iscrizioni:
26-Gen-2013Come gestire la diversità culturale in ufficioProgramma
Diversità culturalePresso Via Aurispa 7, Milano – dalle 9.30 alle 13.30
Relatore: Passport
Per iscrizioni:
13-Feb-2013ApeMACSE – Let's speak english: Negotiation
NegoziazionePresso Wood Bar in Via Tiziano 19, Milano – dalle 19.30 alle 21.30
Speaker: Darrell Kirkman
Costo: associate 15 euro, ospiti 25 euro
Per iscrizioni:
23-Feb-2013Mattina – dalle 9.30 alle 13.30
Office e Knowledge sharingExcelProgramma – o PowerpointProgramma – a richiesta
Relatore: Gianluigi Noris Chiorda
Pomeriggio – dalle 14.30 alle 17.30
Knoledge Sharing Program – II appuntamento
Presso Via Aurispa 7, Milano
Per iscrizioni:
02-Mar-2013La negoziazione in ufficio - Programma
NegoziazionePresso Via Aurispa 7, Milano – dalle 9.30 alle 18.00
Relatore: Gianni Bellini
Per iscrizioni:
12-Mar-2013ApeMACSE: Come gestire un colloquio
ColloquioPresso Wood Bar in Via Tiziano 19, Milano – dalle 19.30 alle 21.30
Relatore: Enrica Zurviello Nigri
Costo: associate 15 euro, ospiti 25 euro
Per informazioni:
27-Mar-2013ApeMACSE – Let's speak english: The language of meetings
MeetingPresso Wood Bar in Via Tiziano 19, Milano – dalle 19.30 alle 21.30
Speaker: Darrell Kirkman
Costo: associate 15 euro, ospiti 25 euro
Per iscrizioni:
06-Apr-2013Mattina – dalle 9.30 alle 13.30
Leadership - Scrivere per il webLeadership and Empowerment - Programma
Relatore: Lucia Fracassi
Pomeriggio – dalle 14.30 alle 17.30
Scrivere per il WEB: siamo quello che pubblichiamoProgramma
Presso Via Aurispa 7, Milano
Per iscrizioni:
10-Apr-2013ApeMACSE: Suggerimenti per il corretto uso di Internet
InternetPresso Wood Bar in Via Tiziano 19, Milano – dalle 19.30 alle 21.30
Costo: associate 15 euro, ospiti 25 euro
Per iscrizioni:
13-Apr-2013Mattina – dalle 9.30 alle 13.30
Relazioni interpersonali e Travel managementSaper creare relazioni interpersonali efficaci e responsabili - Programma
Relatore: Antonio Messina
Pomeriggio – dalle 14.30 alle 17.30
The Travel Management
Presso Via Aurispa 7, Milano
Per iscrizioni:
08-Mag-2013ApeMACSE – Let's speak english: Group interaction
Group interactionPresso Wood Bar in Via Tiziano 19, Milano – dalle 19.30 alle 21.30
Speaker: Darrell Kirkman
Costo: associate 15 euro, ospiti 25 euro
Per iscrizioni:
11-Mag-2013Mattina – dalle 9.30 alle 13.30
Budget e ValorizzarsiIl project management: budget & consuntivo - Programma
Relatore: Gianluigi Noris Chiorda
Pomeriggio – dalle 14.30 alle 17.30
Impariamo a valorizzarci! – riservato alle associate MACSE Italia
Presso Harbour Club, via Cascina Bellaria n. 19, Milano
Per iscrizioni:
25-Mag-2013Cross cultural communication (in English language)
Cross cultural communicationPresso Via Aurispa 7, Milano – dalle 9.30 alle 18.00
Speaker: Darrell Kirkman
Per iscrizioni:
08-Giu-2013Knowledge Sharing & Mentoring, chiusura del programma annuale
MentoringRiservato alle associate MACSE Italia
Presso Via Aurispa 7, Milano – dalle 15.30 alle 18.30
Seguirà aperitivo per celebrare l’estate in sede da definire
Per iscrizioni:
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giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

Executive Secretary LIVE

Friday, March 22, 2013 9:00 AM until Sunday, March 24, 2013 3:00 PM
If you only attend one event this year, then this is the event you should attend.
Your favourite Executive Secretary authors, together in London for one weekend only.
Eight world class speakers, including Laura Schwartz, former Assistant to Bill Clinton and Director of Events for the White House, are flying in not just to motivate and inspire you, but to provide essential training that will boost your knowledge, skills and productivity. Executive Secretary live is three days filled with great networking opportunities, a packed conference agenda and an innovative practical training day – see the programme and speaker’s details below.
Delegates will leave the event with a plethora of practical tips, as well as immediately actionable ideas to increase productivity and impress. But above all, we want to inspire you to go back to your businesses and use what they have learnt to add new dimensions to your role. We hope you will agree that we have put together a programme that is a mixture of both inspirational and practical.
To view a video trailer for the event, click here
Programme and speaker information
Friday 22nd March
9am to 1.30pm (includes lunch)
Be the Ultimate Assistant Workshop presented by the inspirational Bonnie Low-Kramen
This highly interactive and jam-packed workshop is geared towards Personal Assistants, Executive Assistants, and future PA’s of every level-whether you are a seasoned expert looking to perfect your skills or an entry level PA looking to break into the industry. The class is designed to develop and fine-tune the mindset, confidence, and tools needed to succeed with the most demanding employer. It will focus on both the soft and hard skills necessary to excel as a PA including; communication skills, organization techniques, problem-solving strategies, and career management.
Bonnie Low-Kramen is a Jersey girl whose voice is one of the most respected in the profession. With honesty and humor, she pulls the curtain back on a career that is glamorized and misunderstood. She is known for her passionate commitment to professional assistants and to affecting positive change in the American workplace believing that the way to do this is through education and training of both assistants and managers. Both groups are the backbone of American business and as such, are deserving of professional development in the form of training.
For 25 years, Bonnie worked in show business as the personal assistant to actors Olympia Dukakis and Louis Zorich. One of her biggest accomplishments was surviving 1988 which was the year Olympia won the Oscar for Moonstruck, Michael Dukakis ran for the presidency, and Bonnie gave birth to her son Adam…and all without a computer or a cell phone.
Seeing there were so few resources for assistants, she authored the book, “Be the Ultimate Assistant: A celebrity assistant’s secrets to working with any high-powered employer. Her articles on workplace issues affecting professional assistants are widely published.
Bonnie is a co-founder of the professional association New York Celebrity Assistants (NYCA) and works to build positive collaborations and networks between assistants around the world.
A New Jersey native and Rutgers University graduate, Bonnie is a popular speaker at conferences in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. on her quest to set the record straight.
2pm to 5pm
The exceptional Julie Perrine presents “Become a Procedure Pro: Creating an Effective Administrative Procedures Manual for Ongoing Use” - a half day practical session
During Julie’s session, you will learn how to:
Make it easy for others to successfully fill in and cover for you when you’re out of the office!
Create a tool that serves as an all-inclusive reference tool for you each and every day
Quickly and efficiently document what you do each and every day at the office
Make procedures documentation a regular part of your routine
Demonstrate the value you add to the team and ALL of the responsibilities you handle (especially important for annual performance review time)
Use your procedures manual as an administrative training guide for the person taking your place, should you pursue a promotion or another job
Showcase your documentation and organisational skills
Saturday 23rd March
9am to 11am
The Email Masterclass - Taming the E-Mail Tiger
The two best selling authors in the world on the topic, together on stage for the first time EVER - Marsha Egan and Dr Monica Seeley present a two hour session on email productivity and etiquette.
Is your e-mail running your life? Do you feel "e-ddicted" to the ding of a newly received message? Is your inbox a reflection of your out of balance world? Join us for this not-to-be-missed presentation by the two world authorities on email management and best practices, Marsha Egan, PCC and Dr.Monica Seeley.
In this timely presentation, Egan uses the steps in her internationally acclaimed 12 step program to cure e-mail e-ddiction to challenge you not only take control of your inbox, but of your life. Each step's productivity tips will not only add hours of productivity to your days, but more poignantly serve as motivating life leadership tips. Dr. Seeley, aka The Email Doctor", will provide the tools to write effectiveemails that people will not only read and appreciate, but sharpen your email etiquette to the point that it enhances your career, and leaves others less savvy in the dust.
11am to 11.20am - MORNING BREAK
11.20am to 12.10pm
Eth Lloyd on Inspirational Advancement, Professional Development & Career Pathways - truly inspirational, Eth holds a Master’s in Education where her research looked at the professional development opportunities and career pathways of administrative professionals from their perspective. She works specifically with administrative professionals to support them in successfully gaining New Zealand national qualifications in Business Administration and First Line Management and enhancing their career opportunities.
12.20pm to 1.10pm
Susie Barron-Stubley will be exploring The Inter-Connection of Charisma, Co-operation and Collaboration. Susie is the Managing Director of Castalia Coaching and Training, a specialised company based in London dedicated to the professional development needs of senior Corporate PAs and Executive Assistants across Europe and beyond.
Susie Barron Stubley is probably currently the most experienced and sought after international Executive Coach, Trainer and Motivational Speaker for Assistants in the world. She specialises in developing senior level Executive PAs and EAs, and has changed the working practices of thousands of PAs around the globe. She has a passion matched by few for the professional and personal development of PAs. She is a regular traveller and delivers Advanced Executive PA Training in Australia, China, South Africa, Dubai, India and South East Asia, giving her a comprehensive global perspective on the role of Senior Assistants. In the UK she continues to research, develop and deliver innovative and challenging development programmes to support Assistants in rapidly changing business environments to meet the increasing skill sets required of Senior PAs. She is a prolific writer on the development needs of Assistants and sat on the judging panel of The Times/Hays PA of the Year Awards for two years and has written a book for Executives on how to develop the business partnership with their Assistants "Create a Business-Busting Partnership with your Assistant - The Executive's Guide."
Susie herself spent 10 years as a PA and Executive Assistant before re-training as an Executive Coach in order to use her extensive experience to support others to reach their highest potential in this challenging and complex role. She has supported high profile public figures and corporate leaders and has liaised with institutions from British Royal Households to global business executives. Her unique insight into the world of the Executive PA brings a distinct quality and depth to her specialist development programmes.
Susie was recently interviewed for Executive
Secretary Magazine, to read the full article please click here.
1.10pm to 2pm LUNCH
2pm to 3.00pm
Timesaving (and jaw-dropping) productivity tips using Windows 7 & Office 2010 (PC*) Presented by Vickie Sokol Evans, Microsoft Certified Trainer
Are you overwhelmed by the work on your plate that can’t be delegated to anyone else? Do you feel like it takes too long to get things done in Excel, Word or PowerPoint, but you don’t have the time to learn the shortcuts and new features? Or have you ever thought to yourself, “There’s got to be an easier way?” More often than not, you are right! There is an easier and FASTER way. In this engaging Jerry Maguire-inspired session, discover quick and easy tips and tricks in Word, Excel, PowerPoint (and more) to learn…
· How to instantly format long documents in Word that just might make you cry
· Secrets to adding and manipulating data in Excel
· Simple ways to manage and organize content in PowerPoint to keep you from going insane, and more…
Author of the Tips in Minutes series, Vickie is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and a Microsoft Office Master Instructor with 15 years of classroom training experience, specializing in Microsoft Office, OneNote, and SharePoint, including Microsoft's latest cloud offering, Office 365. Formerly a business analyst with Microsoft, she travels the world delivering live Jerry Maguire-inspired keynote presentations to a variety of audiences; teaching engaging instructor-led courses; and facilitating Microsoft Experience Center events for many of Microsoft’s largest customers.
Having studied improv comedy in New York, Dallas and Austin, her improv background makes her highly adaptable and flexible during her sessions so that you end up learning MORE than what you expected. Caution: There’s a very good chance you will both laugh and cry during one of her sessions. She will.
3.00pm to 3.20pm - AFTERNOON BREAK
3.20pm to 4.10pm
PAs Can Change the World - Bonnie Low-Kramen
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Marianne Williamson
Indeed. PAs see and hear everything. They are ultimate problem-solvers and extraordinarily intelligent, resourceful, and resilient. They hold the power to affect positive change inside our modern workplace.
The key is to consciously choose to put fear aside and speak to what we know is true. It’s time.
Bonnie Low-Kramen (author of Be the Ultimate Assistant) has walked this road as the Personal Assistant to Oscar-winning actress Olympia Dukakis for 25 years. She will share “been there, done that” work/life experiences to provide real-life tools to tap into the leader in you. What you will gain is nothing less than your own professional and personal growth, and the freedom to be who you are.
4.15pm to 4.55pm
Top leadership author, Doug Dickerson will be exploring how you become a 'Centre of Excellence' within your business. Doug Dickerson understands leadership. Most important, he knows that leaders are "grown" in those day-to-day moments where they make decisions that can change the course of people's lives - and the life of their organisations. Doug also has the ability to show us something old in a whole new way, with a thought-provoking question or different perspective. In doing so, he makes us think - and feel, and come to the conclusion that, yes, maybe we can be the leaders we always wanted to be.
5pm to 6pm
Laura Schwartz, The White House Director of Events for the Clinton Administration
Millions of Americans wanted to tell President Clinton what to do every day, and Laura Schwartz did.
Laura Schwartz, the former White House Director of Events for the Clinton Administration, created and executed more than 1000 White House events including 12 State arrival ceremonies and dinners, America's Millennium Celebration and NATO's 50th Anniversary. While producing the President's events on the world stage, leaving no room for error, Laura demonstrated the Presidency's ability to inspire a nation and the world through powerful events. As an eight-year veteran of the Administration, prior to being named The Director of Events in 1997, Laura served as The White House Director of Television and The Midwest Press Secretary for The President. Following the Administration, Laura traveled the world with Former President Clinton for his Foundation and Global Initiative.
In her first book, Eat, Drink & Succeed! Climb Your Way to the Top Using the Networking Power of Social Events, Laura shares the secrets that skyrocketed her onto the world stage adding color with personal anecdotes from her life & White House years. As a professional speaker she takes those same details to stages, boardrooms, classrooms and ballrooms around the world in her acclaimed speaking series to empower, motivate and inspire each audience.
Laura serves on both national and regional boards of non-profits and media organizations including the American Heart Association, The Illinois Institute of Art, P.A.V.E. and Event Solutions Magazine. In 2011 she was named one of the '100 Most Influential Women' by Today's Chicago Woman Magazine and in 2010 Chicago Magazine named Laura as one of Chicago's Five 'Most Bold and Beautiful' for her contributions to the community. Laura was honored by the American University, Washington DC with their "Leadership in Education" award in 2007 and in January 2009, Laura was invited to speak at the prestigious Oxford Union in England on the Foreign Policy Legacy of the United States and the role of Women in the World.
Followed by free networking drinks
Option to attend our Gala Dinner on Saturday night
Options on Sunday to take part in a a trip to a country pub with traditional English Sunday lunch or a luxury Spa Day