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Carissime, a nome del Consiglio Direttivo, voglio ringraziare chi ha rinnovato la sua fiducia nella missione di MACSE Italia iscrivendosi per l'anno 2012. Ricordo, a chi ancora non l'avesse fatto, che fino al 15 febbraio è possibile rinnovare l'iscrizione. Siete comunque tutte invitate a partecipare al primo aperitivo della stagione che avrà luogo il 15 febbraio presso il Wood Bar dalle 19 alle 22 come da calendario. | ||
Mariachiara | ||
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Quest’anno MACSE Italia ha rinnovato, dopo il successo riscosso nel 2011, una importantissima e prestigiosissima partnership a Milano e presto anche su Roma con | ||
Business School Il Sole 24 Ore - Milano | ||
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Attenzione: inserire nel modulo di iscrizione al Master la mail fornita dall’associazione nome.cognome@macseitalia.it al fine di ottenere lo sconto. Inoltre, tra tutte le partecipanti iscritte a MACSE Italia verrà scelta, dopo un esame del curriculm vitae e di un colloquio telefonico, da un Comitato creato appositamente, la più meritevole che riceverà una borsa di studio pari al 50% del costo del Master (€ 2.700 + IVA 20%). La comunicazione dell’assegnazione della borsa di studio verrà effettuata via e-mail entro il 5 aprile alla candidata individuata. Scarica la brochure del Master. | ||
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domenica 5 febbraio 2012
Partnership MACSE Italia - Business School Il Sole 24 Ore
mercoledì 1 febbraio 2012
A personal invitation to join Lucy Brazier for free training at #adminchat every Thursday
Executive Secretary Magazine now runs a FREE Twitter chat hosted by a different world class trainer of administrative professionals every Thursday at 10am PST/1pm EST/ 6pm GMT/ 7pm CET.
This week: Thursday, February 2nd 2012 - Angela Garry on Dealing with Coldcallers
About this week's host:
Angela Garry is a multi-tasker!
She is the Regional Chair: East Midlands for EUMA UK, and is PA to the Principal at the Nottingham University Samworth Academy - a new independent school for 11-19 year olds.
She is an affirmed networker, being the most connected PA on business networking site LinkedIn.com and is Chair of the SSAT's Network for PAs at 200+ academies across the UK.
A Fellow of both the Association of Personal Assistants and Institute of Professional Administrators, Angela was nominated by her Principal to become a "Highly Commended" finalist in the Sec-Ed Headteacher's PA of the Year 2010. She has also been shortlisted for The Times / Hays PA of the Year.
Angela has kindly agreed to host our #adminchat this week and to take and answer questions posed by you.
How To Participate in a Twitter Chat:
Steps to Joining #adminchat
Join other PAs from all over the world online to chat, network and most importantly learn new skills.
What is a Twitter chat?
A Twitter chat (or tweet chat) is an online discussion using twitter, so every post is a tweet. Because it’s on Twitter, its open to everyone with a Twitter account. Anyone can participate, or just listen in to learn more about the topic.
How Do I Participate?
Step 1: If you don’t already have a Twitter account, sign up at www.twitter.com. Make sure you change your picture from the default egg so you don’t look like too much of a newbie.
Step 2: You can search for “#adminchat” on Twitter and follow the chat there, but there are other web sites that make it much, much easier. Our favorite is TweetChat. Go to www.TweetChat.com and sign in using your twitter name and password, then click Authorize
Step 3: Search for “adminchat” and click Go. This will take you to a page with every tweet including the #adminchat hashtag. Here you can “listen in” on the chat or participate with your own tweets. When you tweet, TweetChat has a bonus feature that it automatically adds the #adminchat hashtag to the end of your tweet.
Step 4: Start chatting!
For more information on Twitter chats and other tools you can use, you may want to read this post from TwitTip. To see all updates from Executive Secretary about up and coming #adminchats follow @lucybrazier on Twitter or join the Executive Secretary Magazine LinkedIn group.
Our selected chat style is multiple numbered questions. Questions are submitted by you, our participants and numbered. So for example, you might ask the first question and label it Q1
All discussion related to this question should then be labelled A1 in order to keep track of each topic for the followers
Any question or comment goes, as long as it’s related to our topic - Dealing with Cold Callers.
While the focus is on our host, we are very happy for you to share your thoughts on the questions as well.
Join us on Thursday 2nd February 2012 at 10am PST/1pm EST/ 6pm GMT/ 7pm CET.
To take part, mark the date, time and this link in your diaries. Then simply log back into www.tweetchat.com on Thursday and start chatting with Angela Garry and colleagues from all over the world.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Any questions? Email me at lbrazier@executivesecretary.com
And here's what we have coming up in future weeks - put them in your diary now
February 2 Angela Garry Dealing with Cold Callers
9 Bonnie Low Kramen Managing the administrator:manager relationship
16 Julie Perrine Creating Great Procedures Binders
23 Carmen Macdougall Making the move to VA
March 1 Joanna Gutmann Minute-taking
8 Brenda Bernstein LinkedIn Tips & Tricks
15 Marsha Egan Inbox Detox: How to Cure Your Overflowing Inbox
22 Mariachiara Novati The importance of networking
29 Heather Baker Persuasive Business Writing
This week: Thursday, February 2nd 2012 - Angela Garry on Dealing with Coldcallers
About this week's host:
Angela Garry is a multi-tasker!
She is the Regional Chair: East Midlands for EUMA UK, and is PA to the Principal at the Nottingham University Samworth Academy - a new independent school for 11-19 year olds.
She is an affirmed networker, being the most connected PA on business networking site LinkedIn.com and is Chair of the SSAT's Network for PAs at 200+ academies across the UK.
A Fellow of both the Association of Personal Assistants and Institute of Professional Administrators, Angela was nominated by her Principal to become a "Highly Commended" finalist in the Sec-Ed Headteacher's PA of the Year 2010. She has also been shortlisted for The Times / Hays PA of the Year.
Angela has kindly agreed to host our #adminchat this week and to take and answer questions posed by you.
How To Participate in a Twitter Chat:
Steps to Joining #adminchat
Join other PAs from all over the world online to chat, network and most importantly learn new skills.
What is a Twitter chat?
A Twitter chat (or tweet chat) is an online discussion using twitter, so every post is a tweet. Because it’s on Twitter, its open to everyone with a Twitter account. Anyone can participate, or just listen in to learn more about the topic.
How Do I Participate?
Step 1: If you don’t already have a Twitter account, sign up at www.twitter.com. Make sure you change your picture from the default egg so you don’t look like too much of a newbie.
Step 2: You can search for “#adminchat” on Twitter and follow the chat there, but there are other web sites that make it much, much easier. Our favorite is TweetChat. Go to www.TweetChat.com and sign in using your twitter name and password, then click Authorize
Step 3: Search for “adminchat” and click Go. This will take you to a page with every tweet including the #adminchat hashtag. Here you can “listen in” on the chat or participate with your own tweets. When you tweet, TweetChat has a bonus feature that it automatically adds the #adminchat hashtag to the end of your tweet.
Step 4: Start chatting!
For more information on Twitter chats and other tools you can use, you may want to read this post from TwitTip. To see all updates from Executive Secretary about up and coming #adminchats follow @lucybrazier on Twitter or join the Executive Secretary Magazine LinkedIn group.
Our selected chat style is multiple numbered questions. Questions are submitted by you, our participants and numbered. So for example, you might ask the first question and label it Q1
All discussion related to this question should then be labelled A1 in order to keep track of each topic for the followers
Any question or comment goes, as long as it’s related to our topic - Dealing with Cold Callers.
While the focus is on our host, we are very happy for you to share your thoughts on the questions as well.
Join us on Thursday 2nd February 2012 at 10am PST/1pm EST/ 6pm GMT/ 7pm CET.
To take part, mark the date, time and this link in your diaries. Then simply log back into www.tweetchat.com on Thursday and start chatting with Angela Garry and colleagues from all over the world.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Any questions? Email me at lbrazier@executivesecretary.com
And here's what we have coming up in future weeks - put them in your diary now
February 2 Angela Garry Dealing with Cold Callers
9 Bonnie Low Kramen Managing the administrator:manager relationship
16 Julie Perrine Creating Great Procedures Binders
23 Carmen Macdougall Making the move to VA
March 1 Joanna Gutmann Minute-taking
8 Brenda Bernstein LinkedIn Tips & Tricks
15 Marsha Egan Inbox Detox: How to Cure Your Overflowing Inbox
22 Mariachiara Novati The importance of networking
29 Heather Baker Persuasive Business Writing